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OpenET uses best available science to provide easily accessible satellite-based evapotranspiration (ET) data for improved water management across the western United States.


The OpenET API was developed so that ET data from OpenET can be easily integrated into other data and decision support systems. This system supports queries of data using your own field boundaries or areas of interest, and can help generate custom reports for specific time periods of interest. The API enables automated and operational use of ET data within irrigation scheduling tools, hydrologic models, water accounting or trading platforms, and other farm, ranch, and water management software.

While ET data accessible through the Data Explorer Interface will be a rolling 5-6 year archive, the OpenET API will support retrieval of data over longer time periods with data availability extending for 30+ years for some geographies in the near future. The long-term vision is to establish a comprehensive ET data archive from 1985 to the present for the entire United States.

By offering a broad spectrum of functionalities and extensive data access, the API aims to support innovation, enhance planning capabilities, and promote the democratization of water information for everyone.

Current Available Data

The OpenET API provides access to monthly ET data from 2000 to the present, as well as a rolling archive of daily ET data from 2016 to the current date. It is important to note that the most recent data may be subject to updates for up to 6 months. This is because OpenET relies on remote sensing data, and the underlying model inputs and ancillary data can be refined or corrected over time. These corrections ensure the highest possible accuracy of the ET estimates, accounting for any new observations or improvements in the remote sensing and modeling processes. The API, FARMS, and the Data Explorer will always use the most current model implementations by default.

Jump Right In

Jump in to the quick start docs and make your first request.

Quick Start

Deep Dive

Dive a little deeper and start exploring our API reference to get an idea of everything that's possible with OpenET. Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with OpenET's data services.

API Reference

Last updated